Middle School
Our middle school is composed of students in grades six through eight. At AESA Prep Academy, we understand how critical the middle adolescent years are as students shift from young childhood into their teens. This is a time when children grow to learn about themselves with their peers and develop strong social and emotional skills, along with deepening their critical and creative thinking skills.
This is why we created the "AESA Middle School Model" to meet the needs of the modern middle schooler. The model addresses four domains; Academic & Cognitive, Behavior & Emotional, Community & Connections, and Physical & Health.
We aim to strengthen the identity of the middle school with its own designated middle school faculty care team, that includes advisory classes and small group workshop instruction within their core curriculum. Middle schoolers also have their own academic activities, social engagements, and clubs & organizations.
Middle schoolers spend their day rotating through subject area class periods that consist of their core academics and enriching electives. They have a designated lunch period that includes ample time for outdoor unstructured play, which we believe allows them to be more focused as they return to the classroom.
Middle School Academics

6th Grade
English 6
Reading 6
Math 6
Science 6
World Geography
Foreign Language
Choice of 2 Credit Electives
7th Grade
English 7
Reading 7
Math 7
Science 7
World and Texas History
Foreign Language
Choice of 2 Credit Electives
8th Grade
English 8
Math 8 (or Algebra 1)
Science 8
US History
Foreign Language
Choice of 3 Credit Electives